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Program Links

Graduation FAQ's

Undergraduate Majors(s) and Minor(s) Declaration Form

Summer and Fall 2024 Registration Times

Co-op CNST385L4 (1 Credit) and Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)

Students have two options. The first option is that you need the Co-op credit to meet the 124 credit hour minimum to graduate. The second option is some students may have more than 124 credit hours from EMU and other institutions so the CNST385L4 Co-op class can be waived with a few requirements listed below, which may still require an LBC requirement if it has not been completed already.

Option 1: Take CNST385L4 for credit that includes the LBC

Option 2: As of Fall 2022 use this option. Submit a wavier for CNST385L4 and complete an essay. A Linkedin profile with a reference to obtain the LBC component will be needed if you still need an LBC.
Note: for this option, you will not need to pay for a class, but you will not be offered any additional credit hours. Please consult with your advisor if you would like to do this option.

Associate Constructor (AIC Level-1 Exam) Study Materials
Note: It is suggested you look at both.


Undergraduate Students

Your advisor is determined by your last name initial.

A–F: Adam Bogedein: | 734.487.1940

G–K: Benedict Ilozor: | 734.487.1299

L–P: Raed Jarrah:  | 734.487.2490

Q–Z: Suleiman Ashur: | 734.487.1832

Undergraduate and Graduate Program Coordinator

Suleiman Ashur: | 734.487.1832

General Education Advising

Kimberly Kreuzwieser: | 734.487.8659

Misc FAQ's

How do I enroll as a guest student at another school?

You will need to fill out a guest student form at the other institution and follow the instructions they give you. There is a part on the form for EMU's Records & Registration Office to fill out. The other institution will let you know if you need to send it to EMU or if they take care of that part.  


ACCE - American Council for Construction Education (our program accreditor)

AGC - The Associated General Contractors of America

ASC - Associated Schools of Construction

AIC - American Institute of Constructors (The AIC Study Guide is on their site)

WCA - Washtenaw Contractors Association

BRAG - Builders & Remodelers Association of Greater Ann Arbor

MCAA - Mechanical Contractors Association of America